The most frequent vehicle accident is getting hit while parked.
Use Bumper Buffers to Protect Your Car!

These Bumper Buffers are an easy to install, front-end collision absorber that fits on the front of the license plate.
Their purpose is to absorb the impact of a low-speed collision with another object, specifically the bumpers of other vehicles.

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How They Work:
On most cars the front screws of a license plate protrude past the rest of the car. In the event of a minor collision, these metal screws leave scratches, marks or minor dents. And since your license plate is usually in the center at the furthest point in the front, these screws hit the object first.
Bumper Buffers are designed to allow the screws to pass through and attach to your front bumper. In the event of a low speed collision, the screw head does not make contact with the bumper of the other car or object, but instead, the Bumper Buffers compress eliminating the scratches and minor dents.
Bumper Buffers absorb the impact of low speed collisions time and time again, without loosing their shape or form.

To Install:
1) Remove the existing screws or nuts used to affix the front license plate to the car with either a screw driver or wrench. NOTE: Remove the ones that attach the plate directly to the bumper if possible.
2) Place Bumper Buffers against the holes of the license plate.
3) Use the same screws and fasten through to the existing license plate holes. In rare instances, you may need longer screws which can be purchased at any hardware store.
4) Tighten securely.
Bumper Buffers are free to customers that purchase any of our products but can be purchased for $3.95 per set of two. Bulk fleet pricing below. Just give us a call at 844-402-4230.

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“I’m in the rental car business and damage from those bumper screws are a huge problem for us.”
Fred Steffan“My father-in-law has hit 3 guys now with his Matrix and they are all taps in the parking lot…well the BMW he tapped cost him $400 to fix the bumper scratch by…you are so damn right…the plate screws!”
John Leonard
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