Mohr MFG. of Burnsville, Minnesota has just introduced a patented, receiver mounted bumper and trailer hitch called the “SUPERBUMPER”. This new bumper and hitch combination not only pulls and cushions your trailer towing, it protects your family and your vehicle.
The SUPERBUMPER combines a ball mount with an energy absorbing bumper that will protect your vehicle from rear-end collisions, reduce whiplash injuries, shield your gas tank from under-ride, eliminate parking lot and parallel parking dents and dings while lowering insurance claims. It is the only bumper (original or aftermarket) to EVER pass the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s 5 mph “Rear Into Pole” crash test without damage to the vehicle or the bumper.
Email: superbumper@qwest.net or log on to the web site http://www.superbumper.com