Larry Edsall / Special to The Detroit News
After his wife’s vehicle was struck from behind, Jeff Mohr went to work and created the SUPERBUMPER, an energy-absorbing extension that could be plugged into the trailer hitch typically mounted on the back of a sport utility vehicle or pickup truck.
Mohr’s SUPERBUMPER was designed to minimize damage to a vehicle and its occupants when struck from behind. Such accidents, Mohr discovered in his research, are the most frequent of all collisions, accounting for nearly 30 percent of crashes.
Mohr Manufacturing Inc., of Burnsville, Minn., introduced its SUPERBUMPER more than a year ago. Now, Mohr is back with a new product, the SPAREBUMPER.
Unlike the SUPERBUMPER, the SPAREBUMPER does not include a place to insert a hitch ball, so you have to remove it to do any towing. But the SPAREBUMPER has the same energy-absorbing technology, which works, Mohr says, whether someone hits you from behind or when you back into a post or other object.
Mohr’s SUPERBUMPER and SPAREBUMPER take advantage of the strength of the trailer hitch, and his patented system of spring-loaded absorbers that allow them to take the initial brunt of the impact.
Originally, SUPERBUMPERS were priced from $190 to $550, depending on whether they were meant for compact or large vehicles, included various artistic designs or had spring systems mounted externally or internally. The SUPERBUMPER now has a suggested retail price of $130 to $260. The SPAREBUMPER is priced from $120 to $240, depending on size and finish — “U Paint” (so you can match it to the color of your vehicle), black or chrome.
For more information or to order a Super- or SPAREBUMPER, visit the www.sparebumper.com or call (800) 852-6752.
Mohr is ready to expand his product line. Next month he’ll offer the Bumper Shield, a skid plate style protector for front or rear bumpers.
Larry Edsall is a Phoenix-based freelance writer. You can reach him at ledsall@cox.net.

Unlike the SUPERBUMPER, the SPAREBUMPER does not include a place to insert a hitch ball, but it has the same energy-absorbing technology. Rear-end collisions account for 30 percent of all crashes.
(Larry Edsall / Special to The Detroit News)